Written by: Aida M. Toro | Photography: courtesy of Lyres

Many want to lay off the booze at the beginning of the year as they want to practice Dry January. Others simply don’t and want to continue drinking in a much more balanced manner to ring in the new year. Lyres, a company consisting of an exquisite variety of crafted non-alcoholic spirits made with love, is the ultimate beverage for those who want to keep it dry in January or even want to give their cocktail a twist.
Lyres is an Australian known brand whose name comes from the large Australian songbird referred to as the world’s greatest mimic. The fundamentals behind Lyres arrived from the founders, who both hold different careers. One of the founders is a master sommelier and the other a CEO of a marketing agency. Both founders play music in their spare time and would go out to the local wine bar, with the purpose of not experiencing the typical hangover. With this being the case, they didn’t want to drink a beverage that tastes like water, which was part of their mission behind Lyres.
Lyres’ Regional Manager, Warren Hode, said, “If you can stay spirited with what is going on and can still enjoy the rest of your evening and run a 100 person company the next day, you can be inspiring to many.”
Lyres’ intention is to replicate taste, whether it’s through gin, bourbon, and different types of rum. The above are all plug and play items, which can recreate 95% of menu items of 1920s inspired cocktails using all non-alcoholic spirits.

Throughout the years of creation, Lyre’s delicate variety of beautifully crafted non-alcoholic spirits was curated from a quest to make the impossible possible. Providing the freedom to drink your drink of choice your own way, rather than just providing an alternative to those who don’t wish to consume alcohol while ensuring that all can savor the pleasure of the mirth and merriment of an evening soiree or brunch hour potluck.
“One of the most important things that we tell our consumers, we are here to encourage any choice they want to make and by no means would we tell tell them not to drink, they make their own decisions,”said Hode.
Lyres sources the finest all natural essences, extracts and distillates from the four corners of the globe. The company offers consumers drinks that are much more inspiring than a typical club soda or diet coke. Hode explains that when people choose to abstain from liquor, they always crave something nicer to sip.
“With what Lyres has to offer, you can have every cocktail from every menu in New York City,” said Hode. “ Rather than using a normal bourbon, you can use ours and all of a sudden you can have the exact same cocktail.”
Hode explains that Lyres is an ideal alternative for those who plan a housewarming party and have guests that don’t want to drink alcohol. He believes that no home bar would be complete without non-alcoholic options at the moment.

“If you truly want to entertain and truly want to be a hospitable host, you will have something for everyone,” he said. “Once again, instead of just offering a club soda to someone, make something really nice, inspiring and delicious with a non-alcoholic product.”
Although Lyres mission of non-alcoholic spirits is to mimic a bar, there are health benefits. Hode mentioned that every single product that Lyres carries has roughly 120th the amount of sugar as their alcoholic cousins, does not promote hangovers, and obviously, no alcohol is incorporated.
“Let’s say you want to go out and be social and your evening is coming to an end and you already had a couple of drinks, Lyres products are great alternatives as go-to’s,” he said.
Hode and Lyres have provided recipes for The House of Perez readers that one can enjoy not only for Dry January, but throughout the whole year. Find the recipes in the follow pages for your at-home potlucks or for your me-time drink.
For more information on Lyres, follow them on Instagram over at @lyresspiritco and visit the website over at lyres.com.