Interviewing the lovely Anne Winters for our latest issue for The House in NYC has been an honor. She is a breath of fresh air and quickly won over The House Magazine’s editorial team’s hearts as joy with her easy-going and can-do attitude during her exclusive American Icon cover shoot for our publication. Winters is a multi-talented artist, an accomplished actress, producer, and singer. You may know from her numerous roles in a number of films and shows like Netflix’s Original hit Series 13 Reasons Why, ABC’s Grand Hotel, Universal Pictures’ Night School opposite Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish, and STX Entertainment’s Countdown. She has also played the title role in Hulu’s Zac & Mia, in which she won a Daytime Emmy for “Best Actress in A Drama Series.” Winters is currently starring as a series regular in The Orville: New Horizons, created by Seth MacFarlane, which you can find streaming on the Hulu Network. She has optioned the novel “The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes,” which she is currently producing an adaptation of the YA novel and has other projects in the works. The team here at the House Magazine can’t wait to see what the future holds for this remarkable young woman. Anne Winters is full of grit, grace, and beauty…all the makings of an American Icon.

Anne, please tell us how you got your start. What made you fall in love with acting, and how did that eventually lead to you becoming a producer?
I’ve always loved performing or being put in situations where I felt challenged and excited. Acting was something I’d always admired – as in growing up I basically wanted to BE “Hannah Montana” LOL! So, I pushed my parents to let me give it a shot and since then I’ve had a great career. I’ve been consistently working for 11+ years and am again wanting to find the next “challenge” – which right now has been producing.

Do you have a favorite character you have played? If so, why was this character your favorite?
Yes, I will always love my character Mia from Zac & Mia. I got really involved in the cancer community in LA and was able to connect with so many cancer patients and their families during the process. On a professional note, that role won me my first Emmy (of hopefully many to come) – so it will always be special to me! Overall, the show, the patients, and their families will forever hold a special place in my heart!

What were some of your goals at the beginning of your acting career that seem so far away now? What has stayed the same?
I am still happily shocked I’ve won an Emmy already! That was a goal early in my career and still is one, as I want to keep growing and progressing as an actor. The first goal I had when I started acting was to be at a point where I’m always working and that feels like it’s come to fruition so far.

Outside of acting, what other passions do you have?
I love cooking in general but I’m always craving sushi, so learning different carpaccio or ceviche recipes is fun to me! I am also a dog mom, and I love my guilty pleasure of reality TV. Pilates and a good farmers market on a Sunday is my love language!

In your work, what are you most proud of and why?
When I have a challenging scene and feel like I brought even more to it than I ever thought I could. Also being told by the crew or everyone working around me that I’m a joy to work with is something that I take to heart.
Work/life balance is becoming more and more important these days, especially after the stresses the last couple of years have put on society. What are some ways you ensure you have balance in your life?
After wrapping The Orville: New Horizons, I’ve had a lot of time to ask myself this question and I’m constantly finding different things I enjoy while having some down time. The friends that I’ve made, my dog, great books, and randomly driving to Santa Barbara for a weekend are all calming escapes to me. I am producing and working on a new project, so focusing on that hasn’t felt stressful at all as it is more exciting, but I’ll let you know if that changes when I’m back on set! Lol!

This is the American Icon issue for The House. Who do you consider to be an American Icon and why?
Eva Longoria is the definition of an American Icon. I’ve seen first-hand that she is a hard worker with the most generous heart to EVERYONE on set. She made everyone feel accepted while also being pregnant/just having a baby. She never complained and was there every day being hands-on, while also maintaining the other projects and charities she started. She WEARS ALL THE HATS in the business with grace.
What should we be expecting from Anne Winters in the coming years in terms of your growth as an artist? Can you give us any sneak peeks?
Again, I want to keep growing in this industry, so I am really excited about a new project I am producing with Fuzzy Door. It is going to blow everyone away and that’ll definitely be making waves. Be on the lookout – you won’t want to miss it!
Anne Winters for the American Icon Issue x The House Magazine
WRITTEN BY: Natalie T. Steger
PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Jana Schuessler
STYLED BY: Amandha Gaio
MAKEUP BY: Monica Wu and Taylor Fitzgerald
HAIR BY: Melissa Formica and Frankie Calire
PRODUCED BY: Great Social Club