All photos were captured by the talented Emily Costopoulos of Emily Costopoulos Photography, Film & Design. I often get asked where I find my ideas for our family photos, so I thought I would share our most recent shoot and the steps I took to plan it out. Family photo shoots can be daunting – […]
I debated whether or not to put a gift guide together for this Mothers Day, but as I was looking around for those perfect gifts I realized something. There are so many small shops that I love and admire, and so many of them have been created by women who are also raising children! So, […]
Not a lot has changed this week for this baby bump update! Probably a good thing right? Luckily this pregnancy (other than the first trimester) has gone a lot like my first one, and I am so thankful for that. The most exciting thing about this post is that it marks 9 days left until […]
So today marks eleven more days until we are able to find out the baby’s gender! Luckily we have been busy, so the countdown hasn’t felt like an eternity. If you missed it, earlier this week I posted some nursery ideas for a boys room. As promised in that post, I am sharing nursery ideas for […]
Pump the breaks!! No – we do NOT know if we are having a boy or not. However, in anticipation of our halfway-point ultra-sound, I started putting some nursery ideas together. Once we do know the gender of this baby, I want to start rockin’ and rollin’ on putting it together. I will admit, I […]
Well hello everyone. It has been entirely tooooooo long since I have written a post. I apologize for my absence, but I thought my very first baby bump update would be the perfect post to explain why. There is actually a name for the condition that contributed to the amazing lack of motivation that I […]
Everyone told us that time would fly once we had Lydia, but we underestimated how true that really was. Staying on top of things is definitely more of a challenge and everything does seem to feel a little last minute. We had grand plans of staying organized this Christmas. Buy the gifts early, plan the […]
About three months ago, I started telling Eric that things were going to be different this holiday season. No last minute shopping. Less stress. More focus on the actual holiday itself, and no staying up till midnight wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve. . Guys, I don’t know how to avoid last minute shopping. I’m STILL […]
A few years ago, I really started to get into making fresh wreaths for our home. I experimented, bought Christmas greens and fell in love with the process. It’s now my own personal tradition that I do for myself during the hustle and bustle of the season. When I thoroughly enjoy something this much, I […]
Everyone loves this time of year for various reasons – but one of MY favorite parts of this season is hosting dinner parties or get-togethers. There is nothing better than busting out all the stops to add that extra special touch to a meal, a cocktail or the way you set the table. I know […]
– UPDATED FALL 2019 – This post was originally created in partnership with Bonnie Kaye Studio. All opinions are of course my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make this blog possible! This Christmas photo backdrop is still one of my favorite DIYs I’ve shared on the The House Of Perez. Sometimes, we just […]
This year, I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and participate in more Halloween decorations. I thought I could tackle that best if there were flowers involved. Not everything has to be soooo dead, dark and brooding, right? I put that thought to the test after coming home with these gorgeous stems […]
Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by again to check out my list of finds for the week. Halloween is definitely sneaking up on me. To host a cocktail party, or to not host a cocktail party? What is Lydia actually going to be for Halloween? I definitely have a few things to wrap up before […]
This blog post may include affiliate links. All opinions are of course my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that I love and that make this little blog possible. Hey guys. Happy Friday. This post was supposed to go live this morning. Annnnnd it’s noonish now. Story of my life these days. When I […]
This post is sponsored by Smile Brilliant. All opinions are of course my own. Keep reading for a chance at a giveaway below! I am going to be honest. There has been a LOT of wine and coffee consumption over the last year and a half. No one can prepare you for just how tiresome […]
Well. Another summer has come and gone. Here’s what I can’t decide: Do I get more excited when summer rolls around or is it really the fall season that steals my heart each year? I know this is weird, but I feel like we are able to slow down as a family once fall hits. […]
This post is sponsored by JORD. All opinions are of course my own. A lot has happened during the first three years of our marriage. The biggest adjustment Eric and I had to make wasn’t learning how to live with each other – it was learning how to be parents. We now have a one […]
Something I learned quickly when I started blogging was that it’s hard for me to keep my thoughts and inspiration organized. When I come up with an idea I want to share, my mind creates a vision, but translating that into a post is sometimes harder than I would like it to be. Creating mood […]
Ohhh flower crowns. I haven’t met a lady out there who doesn’t love a beautifully done flower crown. Like the many other million things I see or pin on Pinterest, I really questioned whether or not I could make a flower crown myself. My first attempt was our Christmas family photo shoot last year. I […]
Expanding our family has constantly been on my mind lately and my husband’s too. Lydia is almost 18 months now, and we both would love to give her a brother or sister. But the question of the hour is when? When is the best time? How far apart should they be? How much do we […]
Instagram Stories. After spending countless hours obsessing over your Instagram content and theme, Stories enters the world of social media and changes the game. It has become the hottest feature for bloggers of all shapes and sizes to quickly and easily grow their brand, blog traffic and affiliate sales. It gives your followers a raw […]
This will be my second official Mother’s Day. Last year, Lydia was only about two months old and our family life was chaos. I hardly remember the day! I was still trying to figure out motherhood and hardly had the brain power to recognize that the day was special. Now that I have it figured out […]
I am currently going through a phase where I constantly need flowers in my life. I have started to play around with floral arranging and my focus for our outdoor space has shifted towards a cutting garden. When we were planning our wedding, I wanted the flowers to match the setting so the bouquets were wild […]
A Gift Guide for Mother’s Day This post may contain affiliate links. This gift guide was fun for me to put together. There are so many beautiful items out there that you can pick up to make the mother in your life feel special. It was also fun because I reached out to some of my […]
Photography by Emily Collett, Day Dreamin’ Engineer. Defining Supermom I know the term Supermom is controversial among women. But I feel differently about it. I am a true believer that all moms are supermoms. Usually, the term is used in association with a woman that can “do it all” and the reality is, it should mean […]
This post may contain affiliate links. So these pretty little things called tropical leaves have taken over party themes, weddings and home decor this summer. Being from Wyoming, I am rarely inspired by anything tropical unless I am headed out for a vacay. However, the shades of green and the interesting shapes these leaves create has […]
This post may contain affiliate links. A gorgeous centerpiece full of flowers is the easiest way to add a dramatic statement to your table setting. With Easter brunch and Spring get-togethers coming up, I have been gathering inspiration from the gorgeous floral arrangements filling my Pinterest feed. I have no formal training in floral design, […]
With warmer weather in our sight, my heart is set on Spring. I have been browsing my favorite places to shop and found so many cute things that both my daughter and I can enjoy when we are out in the garden! I’ve rounded up a love list with adorable mommy and me pairings from around the […]
This post may contain affiliate links. When I was young, Easter was never a time of year that excited me. Not compared to the winter holiday season. Now that I am an adult, I associate this time of year with the birth of my daughter, tulips poking up through the thawing ground, birds chirping and […]